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Twentieth Century - Horrible Histories

Readers will love to find out all the most rotten recent history, from the last days of the vile Vic.. . . .Read more
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Savage Stone Age - Horrible Histories

How to make a stone mummy? Discover all those foul facts about the savage Stone Age. Author-Terry .. . . .Read more
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Ruthless Romans - Horrible Histories

This title includes information on: Which Chinese emperor was overthrown by his mum? Why one revolu.. . . .Read more
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Rotten Rulers - Horrible Histories

It had a book makeover on the 2nd of June 2011 with 20th Century, Rowdy Revolutions and Wicked Words.. . . .Read more
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Wicked Words - Horrible Histories

Words do not mean what you think they do. And if you know what they really mean, youll hear people.. . . .Read more
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Groovy Greeks - Horrible Histories

This book tells you who had the world's first flushing toilet and why dedicated doctors tasted their.. . . .Read more
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The Woeful Second World War - Horrible Histories

When Hitlers horrid army were goose-stepping round the globe, nearly everything in Europe was totall.. . . .Read more
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The Frightful First World War - Horrible Histories

From foot soldiers drowning in mud to fighter pilots being blown out of the sky, it was absolutely h.. . . .Read more
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Cruel Kings and Mean Queens - Horrible Histories

History with the nasty bits left in! Cruel Kings and Mean Queens gives you the horrible historical f.. . . .Read more
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